Tuesday, February 16, 2016

There are hundreds of secret nuclear bunkers in Britain ready and waiting for WW3


There are hundreds of secret nuclear bunkers in Britain ready and waiting for WW3

RUSSIA has announced that we are in a new Cold War after the relationship between the West and them have become more and more strained.
HEATING UP: Dmitry Medvedev says relations are so bad that we are falling into another Cold War
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said: "One could go so far as to say we have slid back to a new Cold War" after describing NATO's policies towards Russia as "unfriendly and opaque".
The biggest ever bombing raid is currently taking place in Syria, pounding anti-Assad rebels.
...HEATING UP: Dmitry Medvedev says relations are so bad that we are falling into another Cold War
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said: "One could go so far as to say we have slid back to a new Cold War" after describing NATO's policies towards Russia as "unfriendly and opaque".
The biggest ever bombing raid is currently taking place in Syria, pounding anti-Assad rebels.
But the US, Britain and France claim that air strikes against the rebels are helping ISIS, causing tensions to rise between them and Russia.
The last Cold War, spanning from the 1960s right to the 1990s saw the UK bracing for a nuclear attack – and this could be looking likely once again.
The bunks inside the shelter in YorkENGLISH HERITAGE
SAFE PLACE: The bunks where people would take shelter for 30 days after attack
“When a nuclear bomb explodes, it generates heat, blast and radiation – all of which are harmful to humans”
Rachel Bowers, York bunker site manager
Should the UK be preparing for the nuclear apocalypse?
If that is the case, luckily there could be a specially re-enforced concrete bunker to protect you from atomic attack within minutes of your front door.
Thousands of bunkers were built in the last Cold War when nuclear attack seemed more a likelihood than a possibility.
And a lot of these structures still remain dotted around the English countryside – but the bad news is you would never be able to use them.
Instead of offering protection to normal people, these would be manned by teams of specially trained officers sending vital information across the country.
And although in the event of another nuclear war we might be able to use the remaining bunkers as protection, less than 1% of the general population would be able to seek shelter.
The biggest UK shelter in Burlington, Wilts, potentially had space for 100,000 people but only a fraction of that would be housed in the event of an attack.
In the last Cold War, those really desperate for a safe spot could volunteer at one of the 1,500 small boltholes dotted within ten miles of every home.
Inside the control room in the York bunkerENGLISH HERITAGE
ON EDGE: The control room in York, where info on the crisis would be gathered
These were manned by four members of the public who would gather information on what the world was looking like after the attack and send it into the bigger bunkers for officials to process.
People did volunteer for these positions – but if a bomb did go off, it would have meant leaving family behind.
One of the remaining sites is a bunker in York which gives an insight of what might go on as the UK braces for war.
It once would have housed staff and officials monitoring the dire situation on the outside – and had supplies and equipment stockpiled in the event of an attack.
It is open to the public and still in working order as it was in the 80s when tensions over nuclear war were last at the highest.
Rachael Bowers, English Heritage site manager said: "When a nuclear bomb explodes, it generates heat, blast and radiation – all of which are harmful to humans.
"The thick concrete walls of the bunker are covered with a layer of brick, three layers of asphalt to make it watertight and almost a metre of soil."
She added that, like the other bunkers in the UK, all the doors are fitted with a seal to keep radioactive material out and the bunker would be pressurised – meaning no dust particles could end up inside.
The main atrium in the York bunkerENGLISH HERITAGE
PRESSURE: The main office in the York bunker where officers would work after an attack
In the event of a nuclear attack, radiation sickness would kill of those not immediately obliterated by the blast.
It would be a long, painful way to go – so in the event of a bomb, it's important to have systems in place to keep people safe from the radiation.
The prospect of this was so terrifying in the last Cold War that police would have manned the bunker door if a bomb went off to stop general people attempting to rush inside.
There would be enough supplies stockpiled inside for occupants to survive 30 days, the most harmful period after a nuclear bomb hit.
There are still hundreds of these concrete shells around the UK.
An outside view of the York bunkerENGLISH HERITAGE
HIDDEN: The outside of the York bunker which is half underground
A couple have been turned into military bases and a few more, like the one in York, are still open.
But if we came under threat of a nuclear attack, could we run and hide in these safe rooms?
Nick Catford, author of Cold War Bunkers, says the shelters were designed only to provide a place for officials to work safely through the crisis.
He says that the concrete shells could be used as protection against the aftermath of the bomb but would need kitting out with more up-to-date tech.
He also added that no bunker could ever take a direct hit from a weapon and survive especially with the stronger, more sophisticated bombs we have today.
"None of the shelters were designed to take a direct hit. Many of them would survive a near miss and those that are still in use would continue to function. The problem with the old bunkers is that all the life support plant, if it is still there, will no longer be operational so if any are to be brought back into use they would have to be completely refurbished and probably refitted.
"If we refurbished some of our old bunkers they would really only be any uses as fallout shelters as they equipment they were designed for would be totally obsolete."
During the Cold War members of the public were advised to build their own shelters in their homes.

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