Saturday, March 19, 2016


When it was said earlier that APC is an Islamic party with an Islamic agenda and that Buhari is an Islamic fundamentalist, some people dismissed it with a wave of hand.

President Buhari during his recent interview with Al Jazeerah, said Nigeria has joined the Islamic Coalition against terrorism being championed by Saudi Arabia.  Hear Him:

“We are part of it because we’ve got terrorists in Nigeria that everybody knows which claim that they are Islamic. So, if there’s an Islamic coalition to fight terrorism, Nigeria will be part of it because we are casualties of Islamic terrorism,” he said

When asked whether Nigeria joined the coalition during his meeting with King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia recently, Buhari said “yes.”

Buhari queried the position of some Christians in Nigeria who have opposed Nigeria joining the coalition. He wondered why such Christians had not gone to fight Boko Haram in the North or militants in the South. Hear him Again:

“Why can’t those Christians that complained go and fight terrorism in Nigeria or fight the militancy in the South. It’s Nigeria that matters, not the opinion of some religious bigots,” he said

There are similarities between the APC and the ruling AKP of Turkey, Erdogan and Buhari. Buhari’s visit to Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Qatar  and other Islamic nation is not a mere coincidence.

Disturbing reports over the past several years have revealed that Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s Islamic Prime Minister, is a strong follower of Fethullah Gulen, an Islamic imam.  While outwardly appearing to be a tolerant Muslim, Gulen himself, however, is a believer in the Islamist Nur movement, which calls for Islamic domination worldwide.

A self-proclaimed prophet, Gulen has even delivered sermons calling for Turkey — and the world — to become Islamic states and to implement sharia law throughout the globe.  Gulen’s fundamental belief system also includes the notions that Muslims are permitted to lie to “infidels” and that total secrecy is acceptable.

In accordance with those tenets, Erdogan and his ruling party, the AKP, has effectively managed to conceal an agenda of advancing Islamic rule, which has been in place since Erdogan was elected Prime Minister in 2003.

In July 2011, four of Turkey’s top military commanders — secularists who opposed Turkey becoming an Islamic state — all resigned from their posts, having reportedly been coerced into resignation by the AKP.  The AKP has also reportedly been responsible for plots to discredit more than 400 people, including 58 journalists and 250 military personnel, who have attempted to make the truth known about its intentions.

In an attempt to further control Turkey’s media, Gulen and the AKP have acquired nine of the country’s leading newspapers, and television and radio stations.  Gulenists have also taken over the Turkish police force.

With the above revelation,what is the difference between AKP, APC, Buhari and Erdogan?

Open Doors, an organization that advocates on behalf of persecuted Christians, has published a 47-page report on violence against Christians in northern Nigeria.

“Not just radical Islam, Boko Haram being the most notable example, but also Muslim Hausa-Fulani herdsmen and the northern Muslim political and religious elite are also major actors of targeted violence towards the Christian minority,” the report stated. “Moreover, Christian communities in Sharia states especially but also in other parts of northern Nigeria face the challenge to withstand the pressure of an environment that marginalizes and discriminates.”

The report found that a “minimum of 9,000-11,500 Christians have been killed,” that 1.3 million Christians have fled their homes since 2000, and that 13,000 churches “have been closed or destroyed altogether.”

The recent invasion of Agatu, a Christian community in Benue state by Fulani herdsmen is another pointer that something sinister is going on that Nigerians are yet to know about. The proposal by the Buhari led government to establish grazing reserves in the southern part of Nigeria is a dangerous move which will expose the southern communities to the murderous Fulani herdsmen whose only stock in trade is to kill and conquer territories for their masters. We have seen how many Christian minors (girls) kidnapped, converted to Islam and married off by these crazy Islamic fundamentalists.

Nigerians may wake up one day to the realization that they have been forced into an Islamic nation.

Islamic Conference in Nigeria, yet some seemingly -mentaly bewitched people won't wake up to this. Have you taken a stock of the major staff in Nigeria today???


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